Celebrating Leonard and Rikki Goldstein
After nearly 71 years calling Fort Wayne and Achduth Vesholom home, Leonard and Rikki Goldstein have relocated from Fort Wayne. During a Shabbat service in September 2016, we offered our best wishes and gratitude to them for their involvement, generosity, and commitment to tikkun olam (repairing the world). (News-Sentinel on the Goldsteins: Giving Back to Fort Wayne) […]

Leonard Goldstein: Write To Make Right
Every day when Leonard Goldstein picks up the newspaper, he reads something that disturbs him. That’s when he gets the urge to write a letter to the editor. “I’ve always felt Judaism is based on justice,” said the 95-year-old chair of the Temple’s Social Action Committee. “Injustice always raised my ire. I could write every […]

Bruce Colegrove: The Girls in the Auschwitz Band
Temple member Bruce Colegrove describes the girls’ band at Auschwitz-Birkenau as the “most eclectic, the most unique, the most controversial, and, without any question, the most zealously documented gathering of female musical talent the world has ever known.” Their story, he says, also is one of the most inspiring. Bruce recently developed a new website dedicated to […]

Doris Fogel: “Harbor from the Holocaust”
Temple member Doris Fogel shares details of the eight years she spent in Shanghai as a young refugee from Germany as part of a new documentary airing on Tuesday, September 8 at 10 p.m. on PBS-Fort Wayne called Harbor from the Holocaust. The hour-long film depicts the story of nearly 20,000 Jewish refugees from Nazi-occupied Europe […]