Andy & Janet Katz: Commitment to Environment and Tikkun Olam Leads to Green Home
In 2010, Temple members Andy and Janet Katz found themselves on the verge of becoming empty-nesters. They considered how to refocus their energy and priorities now that their children, Jamie and Becky, would no longer be living at home. Andy and Janet felt an obligation to try to make their lives more sustainable in keeping […]

Jan Sarratore: Living An Active Jewish Life
Since arriving in Fort Wayne nearly 30 years ago, Jan Sarratore has lived an active Jewish life with her family. In fact, her husband, Steve, said they bought a house near the Temple so distance would never be a reason to say “no.” Jan has been involved in just about every activity at Achduth Vesholom […]

Matthew Katinsky: Reaching Out To Care For Congregants
The containers of homemade lentil soup in the Temple’s freezer are just one sign of Matthew Katinsky’s desire to tend to the needs of the community. So are the phone calls he regularly makes to check on congregants who have had surgery and the offers of meals to families facing a challenging situation. In the […]

Bruce Colegrove: Multi-Lingual Mensch Finds Meaning in Torah
Bruce Colegrove’s passion for language couldn’t be missed when he read Torah on Yom Kippur morning at the Temple. His enthusiasm for finding deeper meaning was clear as he translated the passage from Deuteronomy directly from the sacred scroll. At one point during the reading, a visitor turned around in his seat to tell a […]