Welcome to KESHER!
Achduth Vesholom’s KESHER (“Connection”) programming features an engaging mix of virtual and in-person learning experiences for our youngest Temple members to:
- Experience Jewish Values to build lasting Jewish Identity.
- Learn about Jewish Time by “doing” Jewish Holidays.
- Acquire the building blocks of Hebrew learning to access Jewish Prayers and Jewish Texts.
- Access resources for Jewish family life during occasional parent and family programs.
Our calendar for 2024-2025 includes several in-person Family Shabbaton and KESHER youth-oriented simcha and yontiff celebrations, including:
- Pizza in the Hut for Sukkot
- Simchat Torah Celebration
- Hanukkah Party
- Tu BiShvat Celebration
- Purim Carnival
- Shavuot Social
These programs are open to youth and families of all ages!
Questions? Please contact Religious School Coordinator Lily Noga at [email protected].

Joy Vey! A Kid-ish Shabbat for Youth Ages 0-5
Gather ‘round your little ones and join us in the tradition of blessing our children as we make a joyful place for Shabbat in our lives and hearts… together.
Ages 0-5ish and older siblings join together on the second Friday night of most months from 5:30 to 6 p.m. to light candles, pray, sing songs, move and groove, and even practice mindfulness.
A Great Year Of Jewish Learning in 2024-2025!
There’s still time to enroll! Families must be members of Achduth Vesholom to enroll their children.
Please complete and submit registration materials here via Google Doc.
Religious School and KESHER Calendar 2024-2025
Questions? Please contact Religious School Coordinator Lily Noga at [email protected].
“One-Sheet” Resources for KESHER:
- Holidays
- Jewish Values
- Other
Resources from the Union for Reform Judaism:
- Our Story, Your Table – activity book for the High Holy Days
- Youth, Family and Community
- Jewish Holidays
Financial Support for Jewish Learning
Our Goals
The Religious School at Congregation Achduth Vesholom seeks to provide an enriching learning experience that engenders a deeper, more purposeful appreciation of our students’ spiritual heritage.
Our aims and objects
- To implant in our students and their families a feeling of belonging to the Jewish community.
- To teach Jewish values, traditions, history and culture.
- To create meaningful Jewish experiences for our children so that Judaism becomes a positive intellectual and emotional experience that brings pleasure, beauty and joy of life.
- To strengthen and reinforce Jewish associations within the lives of our young people so that the TEMPLE and HOME become the centers for Jewish life and values.
Tzedakah Program
At Religious School, our children’s weekly education includes the recognition of Jewish responsibility and helping others in need in the community. Weekly collections of Tzedakah taken in each classroom on Sunday morning give each child the opportunity to put this knowledge into action. Please encourage your child to share his or her good fortune by giving from his or her allowance. Funds will be allocated during the school year as students learn about places and people in need.
Weather Cancellations
We look forward to meeting again in person when our building re-opens.
Religious School: In the event of inclement weather, a calling tree will go out to all families, teachers and aides no later than 8:30 a.m. on Sunday morning.
Hebrew School: If Fort Wayne Community Schools are closed due to weather, then we will not have Hebrew School. If the weather gets bad later in the day on Tuesday or Wednesday, a calling tree will go out to all Hebrew School families and teachers no later than 4 p.m.
As always, please use your discretion regarding the weather. You and your family’s health and safety are always the top priority.