Our Temple Youth Groups
The Temple Youth Group (FOrTY) brings together Jewish high school students in Fort Wayne for events during the school year. Affiliated with Reform Movement through the North American Federation of Temple Youth and NFTY’s Ohio Valley Region, the Temple’s youth group provides opportunities for educational, social and social action programs. FOrTY is open to all Jewish teens in Fort Wayne.
Activities have included a car wash fundraiser, distributing apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah morning, and hosting the community-wide Purim carnival.
Contact the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 for more information.
The Temple’s Junior Youth Group is open to Jewish students in grades 6, 7, and 8 in the Fort Wayne area. Contact the Temple office to find out more at (260) 744-4245 or [email protected].
Upcoming Events
Jewish Summer Camps
Jewish summer camp provides young people with a heightened sense of Jewish community and spirituality. The most popular camps for boys and girls from Congregation Achduth Vesholom are the Reform Movement’s Goldman Union Camp Institute (GUCI) in Zionsville, Indiana, and the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne’s Camp Joe Levine. GUCI is named after the late Myron S. Goldman, who was a past president of the Temple. Camp Joe Levine is named after the Federation’s long-time director who was a member of Achduth Vesholom and founder of the Indiana Jewish Historical Society.
The Temple encourages all our young people to attend URJ camps or other Jewish summer programs to reinforce learning, Jewish identity, friendships and ruach (spirit). The URJ has 16 summer camps, including the 6 Points Sci-Tech Camp and 6 Points Sports Academy. Many of our 10th grade students also participate in URJ programs in Israel or other offerings there.
Temple camperships have become increasingly important during the last several years. Without this subsidy, a significant number of Achduth Vesholom families would find the cost prohibitive. Please continue to support the Ruth Brenn, Gold-Turansky, Mansbach and Temple Campership funds with your donations. The Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne also supports these experiences with its camperships, Baum Goldenberg Scholarships for organized teen trips to Israel, and the Send a Kid to Israel Program (SKIP).
GUCI, Our URJ Regional Camp
Goldman Union Camp Institute in Zionsville offers an enriching summer experience for our young people. GUCI is one of the Reform Movement’s most respected summer programs.
The camp’s weekly celebration of Shabbat is an especially remarkable experience that leaves a lasting impression on the kids. A great deal of Jewish pride is instilled through creative prayer services, interesting discussions with rabbis, and stimulating learning and recreational activities.
Camp Joe Levine
Camp Joe Levine is a day camp providing many fun activities and Jewish programming in a beautiful setting at Fox Island. Camp opens in July for children age 4 and through 13 for one-, two-, or three-week sessions. Sponsored by the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne.
Our Campership Committee is interested in talking to potential first-time campers and their parents to explain the benefits of Jewish summer camps and encourage attendance, including the Union for Reform Judaism’s Goldman Union Camp Institute in Zionsville.
Attending a Jewish summer camp is one of the most important ways to reinforce Jewish identity and community. Temple camperships long have been available to assist needy youngsters who are eligible with a portion of the cost, but we also want to help new and less-experienced campers try a summer home for the spirit.
For information about camperships, contact the Temple office. Application forms are available by contacting the Temple at [email protected] or (260) 744-4245. Recipients must be enrolled in the Temple’s Religious School to be eligible for consideration. Other assistance for first-time campers through the Foundation for Jewish Camp can be found at www.onehappycamper.org.