Souper Bowl Shabbat

07 Feb @ 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Warm up a cold winter evening at our “Souper Bowl” Shabbat on Friday, February 7 at 6 p.m. at the Temple. We’ll sample a variety of homemade soups before declaring the top three “people’s choice” winners. Our Shabbat service begins at 7:30 p.m. 

While you don’t need to bring soup to attend, we invite you to get creative in the kitchen and enter the friendly competition. Make your favorite soup to feed 8-10, whether vegetarian, chicken or beef. Maybe matzo balls, noodles or even kreplach? The only requirements: No pork or shellfish and no meat or cheese in the same dish. Please bring your hot soup in a crockpot. Any leftovers will be utilized by the Caring Committee for those in need of TLC. 

If you have not made a reservation, please contact the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 or [email protected] to see if space remains.

Let us know if you will be bringing soup and what kind. The cost is $8 per person (no charge for children 5 and under). Please pay online or send a check (payable to “CAV – The Temple)). The menu includes salad, soup, challah, dessert, and beverage. Thank you to Co-Chairs Dawn Hammond and Rachel & Robert Laing. Questions or interested in helping? Contact Rachel at [email protected]