Shabbat Service
28 Sep @ 9:45 am - 11:45 am
Share the warmth of Jewish community with our Temple family in person or online from your home! Please join us for Shabbat worship on Saturday, September 28 at 9:45 a.m., led by Ron Friedman. Rabbi Meir Bargeron will give the D’var Torah. Please contact the Temple office if you plan to attend the Shabbat service in person to get a traffic pass. The annual Fort4Fitness scheduled for that morning will impact roads accessing the Temple.
The traffic pass should be placed on your dashboard that morning so it’s visible. The ONLY entry or exit into the neighborhood will be at Fairfield Avenue/West Fairfax Avenue. Questions? Please contact Executive Director Samara Sheray or one of our police officers at the Temple.
The link for worship services on Zoom is sent in the weekly email to our Temple family. We warmly welcome guests. Please contact the Temple office for online access information at (260) 744-4245 or Services also are available on YouTube.