Lifelong Learning: The Reform Movement in America Today

09 Apr @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

The Reform Movement in America Today

Wednesdays at 7 p.m. on Zoom

The Reform Movement, with its origins in Germany, is America’s largest Jewish movement. Congregation Achduth Vesholom is one of the nearly 850 congregations in North America affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.

According to the Pew Research Center, 2.8 million Jews live in the U.S. and 38% identify as Reform.

In this series led by Rabbi Meir, we will focus discussions based on episodes of Re-Form, a recent podcast series from Tablet Studios, supplemented with Jewish texts presented during the class.

Re-Form focuses on five questions or issues that have defined the movement in the modern era. Participants are highly encouraged to listen to the podcast episode in advance, but this is not required. Come prepared to learn, to question and to share your views on what it means to be a Reform Jew in America today.

Below are session dates and topics, with links to the corresponding episode of Re-Form. 

February 12: Origins of the Reform Movement

March 5: Patrilineal Descent

April 9: Social Justice

May 14: Inclusivity

May 28: Interfaith Marriage

June 11: Zionism

The Zoom link will be included in the weekly email to our Temple family. All are welcome.