Legacy Rabbinic Scholars Learning Session: Rabbi Jen Gubitz
20 Feb @ 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
As we continue our 175th Anniversary season of events, please join us for learning sessions when we welcome the second of three “children of Achduth Vesholom” who discovered a love of Judaism and learning here that later led them to become rabbis.
Our third session will be led by Rabbi Jen Gubitz on Tuesday, February 20 at 7 p.m. on Zoom with a look at Mussar. Explore the rich Jewish spiritual practice of Mussar, a 1,000-year-old tradition of self-exploration through Jewish values that supports your wellbeing and increases personal and communal connection and joy.
The Zoom link will be provided in our weekly email to Temple members. Guests may contact the Temple office for access information at [email protected] or (260) 744-4245.
With her humor and insight, Rabbi Gubitz builds communities and content that elevate Jewish wisdom’s capacity to speak to our human condition. She is co-host of the OMfG Podcast: Jewish Wisdom for Unprecedented Times and her writing appears in the Boston Globe, OnBeing, Jewish Daily Forward, and Lilith Magazine.
With over 15 years of experience in Jewish professional life, Jen is a graduate of Indiana University and was ordained in 2012 by Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (NY) where she was a Tisch Rabbinical Fellow. Learn more about Jen’s new Jewish Learning Project: Modern JewISH Couples which supports committed partners on the pathway to marriage and beyond through essential conversations and couples retreats. She is the daughter of former members Charlene & Jeff Gubitz.
Our first speaker on January 20: Rabbi Jonathan Greenberg
Our second speaker on January 30: Rabbi Rachel Greengrass.
Thank you to the Dr. Harry W. Salon Foundation and our 175th Anniversary donors for their support.