Congregational Second Seder
13 Apr @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Passover begins on Saturday, April 12 when we retell the story of the Jews’ exodus from Egypt and freedom from bondage. Please join our Temple family for the Second Seder on Sunday, April 13 at 6 p.m. at the Temple.
Rabbi Meir Bargeron will lead us as we read from Mishkan HaSeder, our new Haggadah, and dine on a traditional, kosher-style Pesach meal that includes matzah ball soup, gefilte fish, a choice of entrée (brisket OR portobello mushroom cap topped with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese), kugel, and roasted vegetable medley. The meal will be catered by Chapman’s Brewing Company.
Please RSVP no later than Thursday, April 3 online or to [email protected] or (260) 744-4245. Make payment online or send a check (payable to “CAV – The Temple”). When you RSVP, please indicate if you prefer a vegetarian entrée. Reservations must accompany payment. We are unable to take walk-ins or accept payment the night of the event.
Students enrolled in Religious School may attend at no charge by making a reservation and when accompanied by a parent. The cost for Temple members is $45 for adults; $18 for children ages 3-12 who are not enrolled in Religious School; and free for children under age 3. For non-members, the cost is $50 for adults; $20 for children 3-12; and free for children under age 3.
No refunds will be issued for cancellations or no-shows. Reservations after the April 3 deadline will be taken if space is available. An accurate count is needed to prepare the appropriate amount of food. Thank you for your prompt response.
Thank you to our Seder Committee: Amy Krouse (chair), Becky Guttstein, Rachel Laing, Celeste Sexton, and Samara Sheray.