The ROMEOs (Retired Old Men Eating Out) are preparing a delicious break-the-fast meal for the congregation following both Reform and Conservative services on Monday, September 25. (Find the schedule for Yom Kipper services.) Everyone is invited for tuna salad, egg salad, bagel, lox, herring, blintzes, fresh fruit and other delicacies.
Please make a reservation online or contact the Temple office at (260) 744-4245, or [email protected] by Tuesday, September 19 so that we can prepare enough food and seating. Thanks to the generosity of the ROMEOs, there is no charge. However, cash donations gladly will be accepted to help offset the costs.
Volunteers are needed to help with set ups and other tasks. Please contact the Temple office to offer your assistance. If you would like to sponsor the sweet wine for Kiddush, please let us know. Thank you to Denny Reynolds for organizing and the ROMEOs for hosting!