Beit Cafe "Coffeehouse"

03 Feb @ 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Our 175th Anniversary celebration continues on Saturday, February 3 at 7 p.m. at Achduth Vesholom with “Beit Cafe: A Temple Coffee House,” a showcase of talent within our congregation under the musical direction of Maestro Robert Nance.

Enjoy a coffee house ambiance, as Rabbi Meir leads us in Havdalah, followed by a variety show, a delicious array of coffee and desserts, and a relaxing evening for our Temple community.

Please RSVP by Friday, January 26 to the Temple at [email protected] or (260) 744-4245.

Thank you to the Dr. Harry W. Salon Foundation and 175th sponsors for their support of the program.


Calling all singers, instrumentalists, comics, spoken-word artists, and any and all members of the Temple community who have a talent that they want to share! Contact Rabbi Meir at [email protected] if you are interested in sharing your talent, or even think you might be interested.