Apple Picking and Potluck Picnic

29 Sep @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm

Bring the kids and enjoy a fun adventure picking apples, sharing a potluck picnic, and preparing for the holiday season on Sunday, September 29.

Families with kids of all ages are invited to meet at 10 a.m. at Silverbirch Studios. We’ll ride together (less than 1/2 mile) to Cook’s Orchard to pick and buy apples and honey. Then we’ll return to Silverbirch Studios for some kid-focused Rosh Hashanah activities and a potluck picnic lunch.

Please RSVP by Sunday, September 22 to the Temple at or (260) 744-4245 and then sign up for a potluck contribution. Bring your own lawn chairs/blanket, place settings, and serving utensils.

Bring your own lawn chairs/blanket, place settings, and serving utensils. Thanks to Stephanie Gottesman and Kate Crell for organizing. Questions? Email Stephanie Gottesman.

Please note that Religious School programming will not be held this morning, and all families are encouraged to participate in this fun beginning of the Jewish holiday season.