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Thoughtful Thursdays

What is Thoughtful Thursdays?

The Jewish community is actively working to make a difference in the lives of 51 children who are enrolled in the Brightpoint Head Start program through Thoughtful Thursdays. We provide monthly or twice-monthly bags with groceries and educational items. The bags are sent home with the students on a Thursday to be returned the following Monday to be refilled.

The Temple works in partnership with the Jewish Federation of Fort Wayne. The program began in October 2010. Thank you to Sally Trotter and Cheryl Schorey for their leadership of Thoughtful Thursdays.

We’ve hosted gatherings of volunteers and Head Start parents to get better acquainted and provided a turkey and trimmings for a holiday meal for the families.

Our annual Apple Project during the High Holy Days has assisted in raising funds to purchase fresh apples for the families, who may not always have access for money to purchase fresh produce. Occasionally during the year, we send home rotisserie chickens, fresh vegetables or fruit, and “themed” bags for the families. Other volunteers translate educational materials into Spanish to assist the Head Start families who may have limited English.

We appreciate monetary or food donations toward this program.

Year-round, we need donations of canned fruit in its own juice, canned chicken, canned tuna and paper products (paper towels, napkins, toilet paper). During the winter months, we collect boxes of tissues. If you prefer to let us do the shopping, monetary donations may be made to “CAV-The Temple,” with Thoughtful Thursdays written on the memo line. Thank you.

We are a 2013 winner of the Irving J. Fain Social Action Award from the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism.

Calling Thoughtful Thursdays an “outstanding initiative,” the Fain Award Committee said they were inspired by the sense of community responsibility demonstrated by the program. They plan to highlight the award over the next two years to “serve as an inspiration to the greater Reform community and encourage others in our Movement to undertake similar initiatives.” They noted “the work of tikkun olam is our common endeavor, and that work merits respect and appreciation.”

Thank you to members of Achduth Vesholom and the Fort Wayne Jewish Federation for their efforts, along with those in our community who assist. We also appreciate our financial supporters, including the Dr. Harry W. Salon Foundation, individuals and groups.

Read about Thoughtful Thursdays in Insight Fort Wayne.

Photo Nov 17, 12 40 27 PM (1)
Photo Oct 06, 10 08 44 AM
Thoughtful Thursdays team October 2021
Photo Sep 01, 10 32 15 AM
Bag Assembly 

We would love to have your help preparing bags for Thoughtful Thursdays, which are distributed to the 51 students who will attend Brightpoint Head Start in our building.

Our assembly team will return in September at the Temple. Please contact the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 or to say you’d like to help.

Other ways to help:

  • Donate non-perishable food items or toiletries.
  • Assist with educational items (check with Thoughtful Thursdays Committee Chair Sally Trotter to find out what is needed)
  • Donate financially
  • Help us assemble bags during the school year

All are welcome to help assemble Thoughtful Thursdays bags.