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Join Us For Services Online

During the COVID-19 crisis, we are offering online worship services for Shabbat and holidays. Please visit our calendarfor dates and times.

Religious services at Congregation Achduth Vesholom reflect the warmth of our membership and a strong sense of community. Our worship and music throughout the year provide a wonderful way to explore Jewish spirituality. Please join us for Shabbat, holidays, life-cycle events or special events to share these moments.
See our calendar for times and events.

We look forward to seeing you.


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Historic Photos & Rifkin Campus History


The hallway to the Madge Rothschild Resource Center also includes a new photo collage and history of the Rifkin Campus at 5200.

The photos highlight the immigrants and later generations who helped develop the Jewish community, houses of worship, and downtown Jewish merchants. The text provides an overview of Jewish life in Northeast Indiana.  

200 Years of Jewish History in Northeast Indiana

 A timeline featuring 200 years of Jewish history in Northeast Indiana was installed in April 2018 as the latest step in developing the Jacob Goldman Memorial Museum. Still to come are display cases for historical items.

The early years include the arrival of the first Jew in Fort Wayne in 1820 and the establishment of Indiana’s first Jewish congregation – Achduth Vesholom – in 1848. The timeline traces the history of Fort Wayne’s Jewish community, including its institutions, buildings, and activities. 

Olive Tree Display Honors Special People & Occasions

Purchasing a leaf on the olive tree near the entrance to the Madge Rothschild Resource center is the newest way to recognize an important person or significant occasion while also supporting the Temple. Leaves are $180 each and may be personalized with three or four lines to highlight a life-cycle event, anniversary, or special kindness. Proceeds benefit the Resource Center.

The olive tree was chosen as the symbol because it embodies peace, light, fruitfulness, longevity, beauty, and endurance. An olive branch, a well-known symbol of peace, was brought to Noah after the flood. During ancient times, olive oil was used to light the menorah in the Temple in Jerusalem to anoint the high priests. In modern times, many Jews still use olive oil to kindle the lights during Hanukkah. Please contact the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 for more information.

Resource Center Grand Opening