We are taking a break from regular mah jongg games at the Temple. Please check back for an update on our weekly open play mah jongg games in in the Madge Rothschild Resource Center! We usually sign up to play on Monday evenings from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. and Thursday afternoons from 1 to 3 p.m. (Please sign up at least 24 hours in advance so we know if we have enough players.) Members may schedule games at other times during office hours.
We have a few sets available for use in the building if you don’t have your own. We ask for a $2 donation each time you play to help support mahj and other programs.
Bring your mah jongg card. Don’t have one? Order one at www.nationalmahjonggleague.org. Need a refresher? Real Mah Jongg is a popular app. And the Rabbi Richard B. Safran Library has several mah jongg titles, including two different guides, that might come in handy.
Enjoy our beautiful space, friendly conversation, and a chance to play this centuries-old Chinese game. We periodically offer mah jongg lessons for beginners. Please let us know if you’d like to be contacted for our next class – or added to our occasional mah jongg e-newsletter at [email protected] or (260) 744-4245.