Temple members in good standing have the privilege of acquiring spaces in Achduth Vesholom’s Y and YY sections at Lindenwood Cemetery.
Contact Temple Executive Director Samara Sheray at [email protected] or the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 for information about locations, pricing, and details.
Burials also can be arranged at the Fort Wayne Jewish Cemetery. Contact President Dan Zweig at [email protected].
Looking for information about Jewish family history?
The Northeast Indiana Jewish Genealogy Society is working to learn, share, preserve, and record Northeast Indiana’s Jewish family histories. The goal is to make available a database of the area’s Jewish families online.
A history of Jewish burials in Fort Wayne
Congregation Achduth Vesholom was organized by 23 members as a “Society for Visiting the Sick and Burying the Dead.” It was Jewish tradition in the New World for burial grounds to be established before building houses of worship.
On Oct. 13, 1848, the society bought for $200 the old burial ground adjoining what is now McCulloch Park. On Oct. 26, 1848, it officially organized the first Jewish congregation in the state of Indiana.
In 1884, the Temple bought two acres of land at Lindenwood Cemetery, having outgrown its original burial ground. From 1884 to 1900, bodies from the old cemetery were moved to the new one.
The Temple purchased additional land at Lindenwood Cemetery in 1999 to accommodate 209 more plots. The original graves in our section date to 1886.