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Get Involved

Why Volunteer?

What better way to meet people and get involved in congregational life than by volunteering your time and talents. Whether you have a special skill to contribute or can assist wherever needed, we appreciate and need volunteers. Our volunteers provide vital assistance to our staff and help our congregation thrive.

Please let us know your interests, skills and availability by calling (260) 744-4245 or [email protected]. We have ongoing volunteer positions, such as assisting with social action projects, serving as a teacher in our Religious School, helping with mailings, or making phone calls to those in need of a caring. We have occasional ways you can help, whether ushering at services, hosting an Oneg Shabbat or setting tables for an event. And we have special projects involving fundraisers, working in the library or helping with an event. Find our committee chairs.

The rewards of volunteering at Achduth Vesholom are limitless!

Challah Bakers “Kneaded”

Are you a challah baker? If so, we’d love your help to ensure we have tasty challot to share during our mini-Onegs. Join our team of volunteer bakers who are taking turns providing 4-5 loaves for a given month to be enjoyed by our Temple family during this social time after Shabbat services.

Please contact the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 or [email protected] to find out more. If you’re not a baker, but would like to support this effort, please contact us.