Read and study the Torah, verse by verse, with classic commentaries by Rashi, Rashbam, Seforno and many others during a weekly study group led by Rabbi Mitchell Kornspan on Sundays at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Temple members, as well as members of the larger Fort Wayne Jewish community, are invited to participate.
This approach to the study of Torah delves into the depths of Rabbinic teaching on the Torah Portion. Note that this group is not studying the texts on the same schedule as the weekly Torah portion. (Rabbi Meir’s Tuesday evening Torah study follows the weekly Torah reading schedule.) Participants should attend with a Tanakh, and learners with any level of Hebrew proficiency are welcome.
Links are sent through the weekly email to our Temple family. Community members are invited to contact the Temple office at [email protected] or (260) 744-4245 for access information.
Read and study the Torah, verse by verse, with classic commentaries by Rashi, Rashbam, Seforno and many others during a weekly study group led by Rabbi Mitchell Kornspan on Sundays at 7 p.m. on Zoom. Temple members, as well as members of the larger Fort Wayne Jewish community, are invited to participate.
This approach to the study of Torah delves into the depths of Rabbinic teaching on the Torah Portion. Note that this group is not studying the texts on the same schedule as the weekly Torah portion. (Rabbi Meir’s Tuesday evening Torah study follows the weekly Torah reading schedule.) Participants should attend with a Tanakh, and learners with any level of Hebrew proficiency are welcome.
Links are sent through the weekly email to our Temple family. Community members are invited to contact the Temple office at [email protected] or (260) 744-4245 for access information.