Share Shabbat with us when Rabbi Meir leads worship on Friday, April 2 at 6 p.m. from the Sanctuary. After a year of virtual worship during the pandemic, we look forward to welcoming in person those with a confirmed reservation, while others may join us virtually. We’ll also celebrate a baby naming.
The service will be livestreamed via Zoom and YouTube. The links will be sent to our Temple family through our weekly email. Guests are welcome. Please contact us at (260) 744-4245 or [email protected] for access information.
If you would like to make a reservation to attend in person next week, please contact the Temple office. Ushers also are needed so please contact the Temple office if you can assist.
Rabbi Meir’s weekly messages may be found on the Temple’s YouTube channel.
Share Shabbat with us when Rabbi Meir leads worship on Friday, April 2 at 6 p.m. from the Sanctuary. After a year of virtual worship during the pandemic, we look forward to welcoming in person those with a confirmed reservation, while others may join us virtually. We’ll also celebrate a baby naming.
Masks are required and safety protocols are in place.
The service will be livestreamed via Zoom and YouTube. The links will be sent to our Temple family through our weekly email. Guests are welcome. Please contact us at (260) 744-4245 or [email protected] for access information.
If you would like to make a reservation to attend in person next week, please contact the Temple office. Ushers also are needed so please contact the Temple office if you can assist.
Rabbi Meir’s weekly messages may be found on the Temple’s YouTube channel.