An open-minded Israeli questions his liberal convictions whena Palestinian laborer he hired is suspected of a crime in the film TheCousin, a hard-hitting, dark comedyexploring the latent prejudice central to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Watch the trailer
The award-winning Israeli film is the focus of our virtual TempleMovie Night discussion on Saturday, May 1 at 7 p.m., led by Micah Soltz andDave Flapan. Please watch the movie in advance.It’s available on AmazonPrime,YouTube,AppleTV, and GooglePlay Store.
As described by the AtlantaJewish Film Festival: Actor-writer-director Tzahi Grad playsa version of himself as Naftali, a local Israeli media personality seeking topromote Jewish-Arab dialogue through a reality TV project. Needingrenovations to his ramshackle home studio, he hires a Palestinian handyman,Fahed.
When a teenage girl is assaulted, the suspicious villagers hastily blamethe Arab stranger. As kneejerk panic and hostility spiral in the community andwithin his own family, idealistic Naftali internally battles between his ownirrational racism and left-wing conscience.
Bring your own popcorn and join us from your home! We’llbegin with Havdalah, followed by conversation about the film and a chance toconnect with other movie lovers. The Zoom link will be provided in the weeklyemail to our Temple family. Community members may contact the Temple at [email protected] or(260) 744-4245 for access information.
An open-minded Israeli questions his liberal convictions whena Palestinian laborer he hired is suspected of a crime in the film TheCousin, a hard-hitting, dark comedyexploring the latent prejudice central to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Watch the trailer
The award-winning Israeli film is the focus of our virtual TempleMovie Night discussion on Saturday, May 1 at 7 p.m., led by Micah Soltz andDave Flapan. Please watch the movie in advance.It’s available on AmazonPrime,YouTube,AppleTV, and GooglePlay Store.
As described by the AtlantaJewish Film Festival: Actor-writer-director Tzahi Grad playsa version of himself as Naftali, a local Israeli media personality seeking topromote Jewish-Arab dialogue through a reality TV project. Needingrenovations to his ramshackle home studio, he hires a Palestinian handyman,Fahed.
When a teenage girl is assaulted, the suspicious villagers hastily blamethe Arab stranger. As kneejerk panic and hostility spiral in the community andwithin his own family, idealistic Naftali internally battles between his ownirrational racism and left-wing conscience.
Bring your own popcorn and join us from your home! We’llbegin with Havdalah, followed by conversation about the film and a chance toconnect with other movie lovers. The Zoom link will be provided in the weeklyemail to our Temple family. Community members may contact the Temple at [email protected] or(260) 744-4245 for access information.