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Caring Community

We are a kehilla kedosha (holy community) at Congregation Achduth Vesholom, strengthening one another through our connection to each other. We are a community that cares.

Our Temple family supports one another during difficult times and celebrates together at joyful ones.

Rabbi Meir Bargeron and the Caring Committee are available to offer support and comfort when life presents challenges. Please let us know if a family member is in the hospital or if other situations arise when the congregation may be assistance. We aren’t always aware of situations unless family or friends notify us.

Mishebeirach Prayer for Healing

During our Shabbat service, we offer the names of our loved ones who are in need of healing before we sing the Mishebeirach prayer. 

We maintain a congregational Mishebeirach list that helps us come together as a congregation and community to think of those among us who especially need healing, care, and compassion.

We encourage you to add your loved one’s name by calling the Temple office at (260) 744-4245 or emailing us at [email protected] so that those we hold dear will be called to mind during our Shabbat services.

Names will remain on the list for four weeks. For those who wish to have a family member or friend’s name listed for longer, please contact us to make another request. Thank you for helping us keep our list current. 

You also may share your loved one’s name during services when the service leader asks for additional Mishebeirach names. Learn more about the Mishebeirach prayer.

Reflections and Prayers for Healing

“An Amazing Life” by Alden Solovy, Jewish poet and liturgist

A Prayer for Comfort and Healing” by Rabbi Eric Weiss