Memorial Sculpture Dedication
30 Sep @ 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm
The memorial sculpture in the courtyard of the Madge Rothschild Resource Center will be dedicated on Friday, September 30 at 7 p.m., just prior to our Shabbat Shuvah service at 7:30 p.m. (The dedication will not be livestreamed.)
The beautiful piece brings together the bronze yahrzeit plaques from Achduth Vesholom and B’nai Jacob. Artist George Morrison designed the artwork to enhance the courtyard and describes it as “a place of contemplation and a testimony to the unity of two congregations whose separate histories have become one.”
Over several months, he and his wife, Mary, with volunteers from the Temple added the nearly 1,000 nameplates along the curvature of the piece. The words “Let Us Remember” also will be added in English and Hebrew.
In addition, yahrzeits added in the past year to our digital display in the foyer will be dedicated that evening.